Thursday, July 30, 2015

Clipless Shoes and a Broken Rib

Should you wear clip less (clip-in) shoes?

Everyone has to make these decisions for themselves.  Clip-in shoes, which attach to the pedal to make both down and up-stroke more efficient, are also very dangerous.  If you "forget" to un-clip, (or can't) then the truth of all bicycle riders comes home in spades:  When forward motion of the rider stops, either he gets his/her foot down, or he/she falls over.

The truth is, everyone falls once in awhile when wearing clip less shoes.  In most cases, the fall leads to an embarrassing situation.  People who don't ride bikes have a hard time understanding why someone comes to a stop in traffic and then falls over.

In my case, during my second fall, it lead to a broken rib near my sternum.  I fell with my full weight, heavy as this is, on the end of my handle bar.  The pain of the break was incredible.  

The pain of the heal process has been eternal and intense, including the huge pain a week after the incident when the rib popped out of position again during a body stretch.  

My buddy was kidding me about how much I was carrying on over a little scratch on my chest.  When I was still in horrible pain a week later, I went to the doc, who told me I broke my rib.  Had I gone to the emergency room that night, which I should have done over the risks of potential damage to the heart or lung, the experience would have set me back a huge sum of money.

I can't say wearing clip-in (clip less) shoes is a good or bad decision for you.  For me, they were a disaster.

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